Thinking Aloud

A collection of thoughts, ideas, essays, and advice to self.

Advice to self #8

You are the sum of your experiences. Therefore, to regret a past action, to wish it were different, is to wish yourself out of existence.

Advice to self #7

Some things you must do not because you want to, but because the you of the future will have a better now. So take the time to appreciate and be grateful for the sacrifices your past self made for you.

With this in mind you can even learn to enjoy the sacrifices you make now. You can be content that your efforts and struggles have purpose. They help another, they help a you that will one day exist.

Advice to self #6

Sometimes your future does require serious thought. But limit this type of thinking to a formal planning session. Make notes of what needs achieving, write a plan, make your peace with the plan, and then forget about it. Don’t allow your concerns about the future to follow you through the day. You’ve diligently thought it through and made a plan so now trust the plan, trust yourself, and follow the plan to achieve the goals you’ve decided are important.

Advice to self #5

Your job in this life is to be yourself. Not anyone else. Just you. Just be.

Advice to self #4

Remember that in zero sum games, your loss really is someone’s gain. Take joy in the fact someone else is enjoying the experience.

Advice to self #3

Never say or act in ways that don’t reflect who you really are. Be your true self, even if it results in feelings of isolaion in social situations. Each imitated word or act is a wound against your true character. Be a leader by example, not a follower.

TODO – The Will To Exist

Is an ego required for life to exist? Does all life have a will to exist? Is the ego an evolutinoary mechanism to survive?

For life to exist there must first be a desire to exist, for without a desire to exist, why would anything propogate through time? For their to be desire there must first be a self to have that desire.

Advice to self #2

You don’t need to see the whole path to walk it, choose a direction and the path will create itself.

Advice to self #1

Imperfect action in reality is better than perfect inaction in imagination.

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